Publications 2006,en_title_s,docid,label_s,en_label_s,docType_s,authIdHal_s,halId_s,structId_i,uri_s,keyword_s,en_keyword_s,authLastNameFirstName_s,journalTitle_s,abstract_s,en_abstract_s,producedDate_tdate,producedDateY_i,language_s,fileMain_s&sort=publicationDate_s+desc
- Joël Le Bon, Dwight Merunka. The impact of individual and managerial factors on salespeople's contribution to marketing intelligence activities. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2006, 23 (4), pp.395 - 408. ⟨10.1016/j.ijresmar.2006.10.002⟩. ⟨hal-01822294⟩ Document type : ART
- Yannick Poubanne, Fabrice Clerfeuille, Jean-Louis Chandon. Variation within service categories and customer satisfaction: A segment-based approach using the tetra-class model. Journal of Targeting, Measurement and Analysis for Marketing, 2006, 15 (1), pp.30 - 46. ⟨10.1057/palgrave.jt.5750032⟩. ⟨hal-01796039⟩ Document type : ART
- Soufyane Frimousse, Jean-Marie Peretti. L'émergence d'une gestion des ressources humaines hybride au Maghreb. Revue Française de Gestion, 2006, 32 (166), pp.149 - 158. ⟨10.3166/rfg.166.149-158⟩. ⟨hal-01795253⟩ Type de document : ART
- Pierre-Yves Léo, Jean Philippe. Les chaînes de restauration entre ancrage local et compétition globale. Belgeo : Revue Belge de Géographie, 2006, 1-2, pp.81 - 98. ⟨10.4000/belgeo.11102⟩. ⟨hal-01801621⟩ Type de document : ART
- Zannie Giraud Voss, Veronique Cova. How sex differences in perceptions influence customer satisfaction: a study of theatre audiences. Marketing Theory, 2006, 6 (2), pp.201 - 221. ⟨10.1177/1470593106063983⟩. ⟨hal-01822696⟩ Document type : ART
- Pierre Eiglier, Chiara Orsingher, Sylvie Llosa. Un'analisi delle esperienze di servizio soddisfacenti attraverso la critical Incident Technique. Mercati e competitività, 2006, 2 (2), pp.1000-1022. ⟨hal-01822835⟩ : ART
- Leila Hamzaoui, Dwight Merunka. The impact of country of design and country of manufacture on consumer perceptions of bi‐national products' quality: an empirical model based on the concept of fit. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 2006, 23 (3), pp.145 - 155. ⟨10.1108/07363760610663303⟩. ⟨hal-01822293⟩ Document type : ART
- Florence Dano, Sylvie Llosa, Chiara Orshinger. Words, Words, Mere Words? An Analysis of Services Customers' Perception of Evaluative Concepts. The Quality Management Journal, 2006, 13 (2), pp.46-53. ⟨hal-01822561⟩ Document type : ART
- Philippe Bertrand, Pierre-Xavier Meschi. Performance des partenaires locaux dans les coentreprises internationales en Asie: Valorisation boursière et application de la théorie des coûts de transaction. Management international = International management = Gestión internacional, 2006. ⟨hal-01833075⟩ Document type : ART
- Jean-Marie Peretti. Introduction générale au cahier spécial la diversité. Revue management & avenir, 2006, 10 (4), ⟨10.3917/mav.010.0097⟩. ⟨hal-01795256⟩ Type de document : ART
- Boris Bartikowski, Jean-Louis Chandon, Gierl Heribert. Calibration internationale des échelles sémantiques. Décisions Marketing, 2006, 43-44, pp.207-219. ⟨hal-01796052⟩ Type de document : ART
- Solange Hernandez, Olivier Keramidas. Stratégies territoriales pour ville durable. Gestion 2000, 2006. ⟨hal-01839513⟩ Type de document : ART
- Emmanuelle Reynaud. Editorial du dossier développement durable. Gestion 2000, 2006, 1, pp.17-26. ⟨hal-01800704⟩ Type de document : ART
- Virginie de Barnier, Pierre Valette-Florence. Provocative Sexually Appealing Advertisements: the Influence of Embarrassment on Attitude towards the Ad. Advances in Consumer Research, 2006. ⟨hal-01831906⟩ Document type : ART
- Emmanuelle Reynaud, Eric Simon. The secrets of a good Winery : core competences. British Food Journal, 2006. ⟨hal-03517165⟩ Document type : ART
- Serge Amabile, Martine Gadille. Coopération interentreprise, système d'information et renouvellement de l'attention organisationnelle. Revue Française de Gestion, 2006, 5 (164), pp.97-118. ⟨10.3166/rfg.164.97-118⟩. ⟨halshs-00457034⟩ Type de document : ART
- Virginie Moisson, Jean-Marie Peretti. Le stress au travail, les infirmières de nuit expriment leur malaise. Revue Personnel, 2006, 473. ⟨hal-02274381⟩ Type de document : ART