AI in Health from Challenges to Impacts Through the Case Study of the Valenciennes Hospital Center


  • Choukhi Abdeslem


  • AI
  • Challenges
  • Organizational impacts
  • Health

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Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered healthcare has the potential to revolutionize national healthcare systems especially during stressful times. Research has shown that there are ethical and managerial challenges associated with health AI, and our work aims to deepen knowledge on these challenges and their impacts. Our case study focused on the Valenciennes Hospital Center (CHV) in France, where an AI solution has been deployed to predict flows in the emergency department. Through 32 semi-structured interviews with professionals, we were able to identify the real tensions caused by the ethical and managerial challenges of AI. However, our study also showed that health organizations can take advantage of AI to reduce these tensions and strengthen individual skills, leading to better organizational performance. Our work contributes to the IS literature on health AI by highlighting the impacts in terms of appropriation, and relationships between entities of the same organization.

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