CERGAM organizes a wide range of scientific events throughout the year.
Vinculum penitus quae ad vinculum
Post quorum necem nihilo lenius ferociens Gallus ut leo cadaveribus pastus multa huius modi scrutabatur. quae singula narrare non refert, me professione modum, quod evitandum est, excedamus.
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All the information about the research unit: its teams, its activities and its latest news.

CERGAM presentation




The CERGAM (Centre for Studies and Research in Management of Aix-Marseille) was established in 2008 following the merger of four research centers. Members of the Unit may carry out their teaching duties within six entities of Aix-Marseille University and the University of Toulon: IMPGT (AMU), FEG (AMU), Aix-Marseille IUT (AMU), Aix-Marseille IAE (AMU), Toulon IAE (UT), and Toulon IUT (UT).

As an attractive research center, CERGAM organizes numerous events and conferences each year. In 2023-24, over 60 research seminars and workshops were held, including 15 international seminars (AGENDA). We welcomed several renowned guest researchers, such as Liette Lapointe (McGill University) – recipient of an honorary doctorate from AMU, and Elisabeta Raguseo (Polytechnic University of Turin). Internationally recognized, the La Londe Conference attracts marketing researchers from around the world each year.