CERGAM organizes a wide range of scientific events throughout the year.
Vinculum penitus quae ad vinculum
Post quorum necem nihilo lenius ferociens Gallus ut leo cadaveribus pastus multa huius modi scrutabatur. quae singula narrare non refert, me professione modum, quod evitandum est, excedamus.
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Axis Marketing and Service Management

CERGAM is an Institutional Member of the French Marketing Association

The research in this area focuses primarily on several aspects of marketing, including:

  • Marketing communication,
  • Luxury marketing,
  • Branding,
  • Sustainable marketing,
  • Social representations of marketing.

Another area of specialization is service marketing, including "servuction" (service production) and the transition of industrial activities toward services.

The research methods used by the scholars in this area are primarily quantitative but also include qualitative approaches. The work produced in this area has helped establish the national and international reputation of an Aix-based school of marketing.

The La Londe Conferences, organized annually, ensure significant international visibility for this area. These conferences alternate focus each year:

  • Marketing communication and consumer behavior,
  • Service management.

Keywords: new marketing trends, corporate social responsibility, religion and marketing, luxury marketing, international marketing, consumer behavior, service marketing.

Team members