CERGAM organizes a wide range of scientific events throughout the year.
Vinculum penitus quae ad vinculum
Post quorum necem nihilo lenius ferociens Gallus ut leo cadaveribus pastus multa huius modi scrutabatur. quae singula narrare non refert, me professione modum, quod evitandum est, excedamus.
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All the information about the research unit: its teams, its activities and its latest news.

Axis Finance Management Control Accounting

CERGAM is an Institutional Member of the French Finance Association

The research within this area focuses on two main domains: finance on the one hand, and accounting, management control, and auditing on the other.

  • In finance, the topics studied include corporate finance and governance, responsible finance, portfolio management, financial econometrics, and quantitative finance.
  • In accounting, control, and auditing, the research themes cover financial accounting and auditing, as well as management control through cost management and optimization.

The research methods employed by the scholars in this area are predominantly quantitative for finance-related studies and more qualitative for work in accounting, management control, and auditing.

The members' research has been published in leading international academic journals. Additionally, joint seminars are organized in collaboration with the Aix-Marseille School of Economics.

Keywords: corporate finance and governance, responsible finance, portfolio management, quantitative finance, accounting, management control, auditing

Team members