CERGAM organizes a wide range of scientific events throughout the year.
Vinculum penitus quae ad vinculum
Post quorum necem nihilo lenius ferociens Gallus ut leo cadaveribus pastus multa huius modi scrutabatur. quae singula narrare non refert, me professione modum, quod evitandum est, excedamus.
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All the information about the research unit: its teams, its activities and its latest news.

Axis Entrepreneurship Information Internationalisation

CERGAM is an Institutional Member of the Association Information and Management, as well as the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation



The research conducted within this area focuses on three central themes for growing businesses: information systems, innovation and entrepreneurship, and internationalization.

  • Information systems management is examined from multiple perspectives, including inter- and intra-organizational information systems and digital marketing.
  • Innovation research addresses questions related to technological and organizational transformations.
  • In the context of globalization, growing businesses are quickly confronted with challenges of internationalization, which represents a key research focus within this area.

The research conducted in this area is characterized by its use of diverse research methodologies, a distinctive feature and hallmark of this field.

The E2I area of CERGAM leads the Entrepreneurial Legitimacy Chair (website, video, brochure). This chair organizes the Summer School on Entrepreneurial Legitimacy.


Keywords: entrepreneurship, innovation, information systems and technology, digital, internationalization, start-ups, entrepreneurial finance

Team members