Emil TURC va diriger et coordonner ce projet de recherche (financement AMIDEX) qui réunit 3 laboratoires de recherche : CERGAM, EM Normandie et LIRAES.
Il débutera en 2025 et durera 4 ans.
ADSIMPLI - Emergence of unique Administrative Simplification practices during the COVID crisis: Inventory, analysis, and ex post facto diffusion and digital enhancement
Administrative simplification is a priority for public service users. Faster and more efficient procedures, smoother interactions and a reduced administrative burden were targeted by numerous simplification policies and laws over the past hundred years, without sufficiently meeting citizens' expectations. However, the health crisis has produced an inflection point in administrative practice with exceptional simplifications stemming from the organizational (work modes), legal (transitional law, relaxations and exception procedures) and technological aspects (digital communication and collaboration channels).
Some of the lessons and innovations thereoff are reflections of administrative reforms, policies or practices that were considered over time to be notoriously difficult to implement despite repeated efforts (Chevallier 2016; Eisenstadt 1959; Savignac 1981). This research project intends to investigate the exceptional practices of administrative simplification both in the managerial, productive and user relationship management aspects, so as to preserve these lessons and to extend the good practices, notably those combining simplification and digitalization in the interest of users and agents (street-level bureaucrats). Furthermore, in the light of the French government’s new impetus for administrative simplification since the Spring 2024, the project will produce much needed empirical research in both crisis-induced and reform-induced administrative simplification, while exploring their interconnections and knowledge capitalized and prolongations between these two critical policy cycles.