Lundi 13 janv. 9:30-12:30 : Séminaire doctoral axe MP- MEGA
Jeudi 16 janv. 14:00-17:00 : Séminaire équipe Toulon- TOULON
Lundi 27 janv. 13:30-16:30 : Séminaire inter-labos - MEGA
- Plus d'infos et d'évènements dans l'agenda

Research Closely Aligned with Contemporary Challenges
The CERGAM (Research Unit 4225) is a research unit in Management Sciences affiliated with Aix-Marseille University (AMU) and the University of Toulon (UT). It was established in 2008 through the merger of four research units within AMU, and in 2017, it integrated management science faculty members from the University of Toulon. Today, the laboratory comprises over 200 members, including nearly 90 doctoral students, and is organized into five research areas.
Located at MEGA, in the heart of the new eco-campus of La Pauliane in Aix-en-Provence, CERGAM provides all its members with a pleasant and stimulating work environment (MEGA presentation).
Its Missions:
- Serve as a reference center in the field of Management Sciences and implement the scientific strategy of AMU and the University of Toulon in terms of scientific influence, doctoral training, and knowledge transfer.
- Maintain an international outlook while addressing contemporary ecological, societal, and geopolitical challenges.
- Equitably provide Unit members with the resources, freedom of initiative, and support needed to express and develop their individual and collective innovative capabilities in research, scientific outreach, and dissemination.
- Offer a friendly and supportive working environment that fosters knowledge exchange and creativity.
- Enhance the attractiveness of AMU, the University of Toulon, and their respective entities to doctoral students and academic researchers.

1. Bridging Academic Research and Scientific Dissemination
The size of CERGAM allows for collaboration across various disciplines within management sciences, theoretical frameworks, and methodological approaches to better understand the complexity of contemporary private and public organizations. Our ambition is to contribute to understanding the challenges faced by organizations in the context of major crises and the resulting transformations.
In addition to publishing articles in leading scientific journals and participating in funded research projects, three Chairs led by laboratory members help bridge academic research with real-world stakeholders:
- Entrepreneurial Legitimacy Chair (CLE)
- Attractiveness and New Territorial Marketing Chair (ANMT)
- Organizations & Territories in Arts, Culture, and Creation Chair (OTACC)
2. A Stimulating Academic and Institutional Ecosystem
The laboratory organizes several international conferences, methodological seminars, writing workshops, and both internal and external research seminars annually (AGENDA). In 2025, we are hosting two international symposia:
The Unit’s Partnerships with Three AMIDEX Interdisciplinary Institutes
CERGAM’s partnerships with three AMIDEX interdisciplinary institutes (INCIAM, ITEM, and Laënnec) enable the promotion of interdisciplinary research projects and provide access to funding opportunities for these initiatives.
3. A Doctoral Program Fully Integrated into the Laboratory’s Activities
Each year, approximately fifteen theses and HDRs (habilitation à diriger des recherches) are defended at CERGAM, with its faculty members deeply involved in doctoral training. CERGAM has consistently prioritized doctoral training in its strategic decisions, standing out in the French academic landscape by placing excellence in doctoral education in management sciences at the forefront of its priorities.
Our doctoral program not only trains researchers but also supports them throughout their thesis work, resulting in the placement of faculty members in some of the most prestigious universities and business schools in France and internationally.
Professors-Researchers/ Associate Professors
Phd Candidates
Doctoral Schools
Universities : Aix-Marseille and Toulon