Places and Residential Attractiveness : A systematic Literature Review


  • Alberola Perrine


  • Place Attractiveness
  • Residential Attractiveness

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This chapter proposes a systematic literature review of recent international studies on residential attractiveness, and suggests avenues for future research. It will address the following questions: is there one type/category of place that emerges in particular as being appropriate to study residential attractiveness? Are the latest studies on residential attractiveness based on an official nomenclature? Globally, recent studies on residential attractiveness do not refer to statistical nomenclatures. They focus on the municipal level, where residential attractiveness seems to be a response to numerous issues. We therefore suggest that future research on residential attractiveness should continue to focus on the local level. However, it should pay greater attention to the broader institutional structure in which municipalities are embedded. In this regard, the European NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics) could be used for this purpose. Finally, we warn against the limitations of certain methods used to study residential attractiveness, and suggest the creation and use of a mixed research protocol in further studies on this subject.

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