Agenda du CERGAM
Le Cergam organise de très nombreuses nombreuses manifestations scientifiques tout au long de l'année.
La Londe Service Conference 2025
Dive into the dynamic fields of theoretical or empirical advances in understanding and/or predicting consumer behavior with a focus on consumers’ responses to marketing communications !
14ème Congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation (AEI 2025)

Cycles de conférences


Séminaire « La frugalité condamne-t-elle l'innovation ? »

1er Séminaire « Innovation et Durabilité »

Jeudi 4 avril 2024, 14h-17h, MEGA

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la programmation d’un cycle de séminaires « Innovation et Durabilité »  associant recherche et monde socio-professionnel, soutenu par le Cergam et l'Inciam.

Le premier séminaire « Regards Croisés » aura pour thème « La frugalité condamne-t-elle l'innovation ? » et se déroulera le jeudi 4 avril 2024 à 14h à 17h la MEGA (424 Chemin du Viaduc, Aix-en-Provence).

Nous accueillerons deux intervenantes académiques : Elisa Monnot (Maître de conférences HDR, CY Cergy Paris Université) et Fanny Reniou (Maître de conférences HDR, IGR-IAE Rennes), ainsi qu’une intervenante du monde professionnel, Valentine Torres (Responsable marketing chez Anotherway).

·       Elisa Monnot et Fanny Reniou présenteront leur article "How to sustain a sustainable lifestyle?" actuellement en 2ème tour de révision dans le Journal of Consumer Research (résumé ci-dessous) et feront un focus méthodologique sur l'analyse d'un vaste corpus de données qualitatives de nature hétérogène.

Abstract: In a market whose infrastructure continues to prioritize unsustainable systems and options, even motivated consumers find it difficult to shift to and maintain a sustainable lifestyle. Why do some consumers succeed when others fail? Using a qualitative multimethod study of Zero Waste and specifically packaging-free product consumption, this research explores how consumers develop and sustain the complex system of interwoven practices that structure a sustainable lifestyle. Our analyses reveal a phasic process in which consumers’ enactment of the practice is continuously framed and monitored in intermediate, sequential steps progressing toward systemic integration. Consumers who sustain their sustainable lifestyle transform the abstract and distant sustainability objective into a series of temporally closer and more concrete practice goals and draw on continually adaptive specialized competences toward a systemic alignment of all the practices that create their sustainable lifestyle. These dynamic capabilities allow consumers to gradually increase the number of embedded practices and grow progressively toward an integrative system of sustainability practices despite the many social and market barriers.

·       Valentine Torres apportera une vision managériale de l’innovation durable et présentera les enjeux de la frugalité dans le développement et l’adoption de l’innovation durable.

·       Un moment de discussion et de débat sera ensuite animé par Aurélie Hemonnet.

Ce séminaire est ouvert à tous et toutes. Pour participer, merci de vous inscrire avec le lien suivant avant le 4 mars :

A noter, le séminaire suivant se déroulera en octobre 2024 et aura pour thème « Les innovations durables sont-elles vertueuses ? ».

Contacts : Aurélie Hemonnet, Sébastien Brion, Nathalie Fabbe-Costes


English version:

1st Seminar "Innovation and Sustainability"

Thursday, April 4, 2024, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM, MEGA

We are pleased to announce the launch of a series of seminars on "Innovation and Sustainability" bringing together research and the socio-professional world, supported by Cergam and Inciam. The first "Crossed Perspectives" seminar will address the theme "Does frugality condemn innovation?" and will take place on Thursday, April 4, 2024, from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM at MEGA (424 Chemin du Viaduc, Aix-en-Provence).

We will host two academic speakers: Elisa Monnot (CY Cergy Paris Université) and Fanny Reniou (IGR-IAE Rennes), along with a professional speaker, Valentine Torres (Marketing Manager at Anotherway).

·       Elisa Monnot and Fanny Reniou will present their paper "How to sustain a sustainable lifestyle?" currently in the second round of review in the Journal of Consumer Research (abstract below). They will provide a methodological focus on the analysis of a vast corpus of qualitative heterogeneous data.

Abstract: In a market whose infrastructure continues to prioritize unsustainable systems and options, even motivated consumers find it difficult to shift to and maintain a sustainable lifestyle. Why do some consumers succeed when others fail? Using a qualitative multimethod study of Zero Waste and specifically packaging-free product consumption, this research explores how consumers develop and sustain the complex system of interwoven practices that structure a sustainable lifestyle. Our analyses reveal a phasic process in which consumers’ enactment of the practice is continuously framed and monitored in intermediate, sequential steps progressing toward systemic integration. Consumers who sustain their sustainable lifestyle transform the abstract and distant sustainability objective into a series of temporally closer and more concrete practice goals and draw on continually adaptive specialized competences toward a systemic alignment of all the practices that create their sustainable lifestyle. These dynamic capabilities allow consumers to gradually increase the number of embedded practices and grow progressively toward an integrative system of sustainability practices despite the many social and market barriers.

·       Valentine Torres will bring a managerial vision of sustainable innovation and present the challenges of frugality in the development and adoption of sustainable innovation.


·       A moment of discussion and debate will then be hosted by Aurélie Hemonnet.


This seminar is open to all. To attend, please register using the following link before March 4:

Please note that the next seminar will take place in October 2024, on the theme "Are sustainable innovations virtuous?".

Contact : Aurélie Hemonnet, Sébastien Brion, Nathalie Fabbe-Costes