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Aurélie Hemonnet is Full Professor of management at Aix-Marseille University, member of the board of the CERGAM Research lab, and academic director of the Executive MBA at IAE. She is the scientific director of the France 2030 “Iccare” Project, sponsored by Aix-Marseille University, that aims to support innovation at the crossroads of the creative industries and IT.

She holds a Ph.D. from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and ESCP Business School, a Master in Management from ESCP (Programme Grande Ecole), and attended the ITP (International Teachers Program) at INSEAD. Before starting an academic career, she previously worked as innovation marketing manager with Johnson&Johnson and LVMH. 

Her research interests include Marketing and Innovation practices with a specific focus on sustainability and design. She is the author of various publications (Journal of Product Innovation Management, Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Creativity and Innovation Management, Décisions Marketing) and the co-author of the French edition of Marketing Management with P. Kotler, K. Keller and D. Manceau. In 2020, she was awarded with the 11th Academic Management Research Prize Syntec-FNEGE and in 2024 she was appointed VP Perspectives of the French Marketing Association (afm).

Publications de l'auteur