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Doctoral Program


Program Heads

  • Nathalie RICHEBE (

  • SĂ©bastien LAURENT (

Joining the CERGAM Doctoral Program

To join the CERGAM doctoral program, it is strongly recommended to first complete our Master 2 program, "Research and Consulting in Management Sciences". This Master's program is primarily designed to prepare students for careers in higher education and research.

It is aimed at students who hold an M1 or M2 degree and wish to:

  1. Develop strong analytical and methodological skills in management sciences.
  2. Gain a deeper understanding of the "codes" and challenges of academic research.
  3. Take the time to refine their doctoral project (particularly through the research dissertation) and find a suitable supervisor.
  4. Prepare effectively for the doctoral scholarship selection process at Aix-Marseille University and the University of Toulon, as well as for CIFRE contract proposals or any other funding opportunities for their thesis (including part-time "on the job" doctoral studies).

The result of collaboration between research training stakeholders at Aix-Marseille University and the University of Toulon, this Master 2 Research program is open to all students aspiring to pursue a doctoral thesis in management sciences at either Aix-Marseille University or the University of Toulon. It welcomes students regardless of their affiliated laboratory (CERGAM, LEST, or CRET-LOG) or faculty.

The Master’s program is structured into two phases:

Core Curriculum (Semester 3)

September – December (222 hours of coursework)

The core curriculum is shared by all students, regardless of their specialization, and is entirely delivered in English at the IAE Aix-Marseille (Puyricard campus). In addition to “classic” Master’s research courses (quantitative and qualitative methods, organizational theory, epistemology), this program features several unique components:

  • Customizable courses on advanced research methods complement the core methodological foundation. These allow students to explore specific approaches such as experimental methods, ethnography, or panel data analysis.
  • 9 hours of small-group coaching to guide students in refining their research projects and finding a supervisor for their dissertation.
  • 6 hours of small-group coaching focused on developing research communication skills in English, both written and oral.
  • Awareness of key issues in contemporary management research, including ethical and environmental challenges and the use of AI in research.
  • Integration into research laboratories (CERGAM, CRET-LOG, or LEST, depending on specialization), with opportunities to attend international research seminars and interact with doctoral students.
  • A small cohort size (maximum of 25 students) to foster interaction, personalized guidance, and tailored advice for each student.

Semester 3 Coordination: Nathalie Richebé (CERGAM, IAE Aix-Marseille) and Sébastien Laurent (AMSE, IAE Aix-Marseille).

Details of Semester 3 Courses

  • Theory Building and Epistemological Approaches (36h)
  • Research Design, AI for Research, and Systematic Literature Review (18h)
  • Research Project Support and Skill Development (36h, including 15h of small-group coaching)
  • Quantitative Research Methods (48h)
  • Qualitative Research Methods (48h)

Elective Courses (Choose Two from Three):

  • Advanced Quantitative Methods (18h)
  • Advanced Mixed Methods (18h)
  • Advanced Qualitative Methods (18h)


Specialized Curriculum (Semester 4)

January – June (96 hours of coursework)

The second semester focuses on specialization courses (96h), the research dissertation, and, if applicable, securing funding for doctoral studies (e.g., preparing for doctoral scholarship competitions, responding to calls for projects, or setting up a CIFRE contract).

Six specializations are offered, each determining the student’s affiliated faculty at Aix-Marseille University:

  1. Marketing and Service Management (IAE)
  2. Public Management (IMPGT)
  3. Information Systems and Logistics (FEG)
  4. Organization, Work, and Human Resources (FEG)
  5. Finance, Accounting, and Control (IAE)
  6. Strategy and Human Resources (IAE)
The research dissertation is designed as a full-fledged research project, often serving as a critical first step toward the doctoral thesis. Students work under the guidance of a dissertation supervisor and, in some cases, a co-supervisor. The dissertation is defended orally before a jury composed of two members. The best dissertations often lead to scientific publications.

Most students in the Research Master’s program continue to doctoral studies, aiming for careers as teacher-researchers in management and management sciences. This rapidly growing field offers numerous job opportunities, both in France and internationally, in universities or leading business schools.

Some doctoral graduates pursue careers in consulting, while others choose to work in companies or within national or international organizations.


Admission to the Master 2 Research Program

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Applicants must hold a Bac+4 degree, a Master 1 (240 ECTS), or an equivalent qualification (foreign degree or validation of prior experience).
  • While most candidates come from management and economics programs (universities and business schools), the Research Master is also open to students from other disciplines, including engineering, psychology, sociology, law, mathematics, philosophy, and political science.

Application Process:
Admissions are based on an online application submitted through the program’s website.

Required Documents:

  • Academic transcripts from prior studies.
  • Proof of English proficiency: Since the program is taught entirely in English, a good command of the language is required and will be tested during the admission interview.

Selection Process:

  • Eligible candidates will be interviewed by the program directors, who will assess the quality of their application and their motivation for joining the program.
  • 243 EUR: This rate applies to:
    • French citizens,
    • Students holding a long-term residence card in France,
    • Nationals of the European Union, the European Economic Area (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein), Monaco, Andorra, Switzerland, and residents of Quebec,
    • Nationals of countries partially exempted (see full list on Aix-Marseille University’s website).
  • 3,770 EUR: This rate applies to other international students. However, reductions or exemptions may be available depending on individual circumstances.
  • Note: Students are encouraged to check their eligibility for reduced rates or exemptions based on their status or specific agreements.