CERGAM organizes a wide range of scientific events throughout the year.

DESU Research


Diplôme d'Études Supérieures Universitaires (DESU) in Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences

Schedule: 222 hours

The DESU in Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences at IAE Aix is primarily designed to prepare students for careers in higher education and research. It is also suitable for aspiring consultants and managers looking to develop strong analytical and methodological skills.

Program Overview

The DESU offers the same curriculum as the Research Master’s program, but only during Semester 1.

  • Students enrolled in the DESU do not complete a research dissertation or attend the specialized courses offered in Semester 2.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the DESU is open to candidates who:

  1. Hold a Master 2 degree (or equivalent):
    • Ideally, candidates have significant experience in research in management sciences, such as:
      • Writing a research dissertation.
      • Working as a research assistant at a university.
  2. Have an advanced research project:
    • Applicants must present a well-developed research project (5 to 10 pages).

Progression to a Doctoral Program

Students completing the DESU may enroll in a doctoral program at CERGAM if they meet the following conditions:

  1. Secure dedicated funding for the doctoral thesis (e.g., scholarships, CIFRE contracts).
  2. Obtain the approval of a faculty member (Professor or Accredited Research Supervisor) in management sciences at Aix-Marseille University to supervise their thesis.


Key Advantages of the Program                                            

                 Program Heads

A Program with an International Perspective

  • 222 hours of courses entirely taught in English.
  • A predominantly international cohort, with participants from all five continents.
  • A high-level faculty team, comprised exclusively of renowned researchers who publish in international journals and teach within their fields of expertise.
  • Integration into the CERGAM research laboratory (Centre for Studies and Research in Management at Aix-Marseille University), with opportunities to participate in international seminars organized by the laboratory.
  • Personalized guidance for students on their research projects.
  • 15 hours of small-group coaching to support students in developing their research projects and improving their oral and written communication skills.
  • Customizable course selection: Choose two advanced research methodology courses tailored to your interests.
  • Classes are organized over three days (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) to allow time for individual work on Thursday and Friday.
  • Faculty members of the Research Master program provide individualized support and advice to help students shape and refine their research projects.

Nathalie Richebé






Sébastien Laurent


DESU in Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences

The DESU in Studies and Consulting in Management Sciences at IAE Aix is primarily designed to prepare students for careers in higher education and research. It is also suitable for future consultants and managers seeking to develop strong analytical and methodological skills.

The program offers the same curriculum as the Research Master’s program but is limited to Semester 1 only. As a result, DESU students do not complete a research dissertation or attend the specialized courses offered in Semester 2.

Admission Requirements

The DESU is open to candidates who:

  • Already hold a Master 2 degree (or equivalent).
  • Ideally, have significant research experience in management sciences (e.g., writing a research dissertation or working as a research assistant at a university).
  • Have a well-developed research project (5 to 10 pages).

Students may enroll in a doctoral program at CERGAM after completing the DESU, provided they:

  1. Secure dedicated funding for their thesis (e.g., scholarships, CIFRE contracts).
  2. Obtain the approval of a faculty member (Professor or Accredited Research Supervisor) at Aix-Marseille University to supervise their thesis.

Key Competencies Developed

This program enables students to develop seven key competencies:

  1. Understanding key trends and theoretical frameworks:
    • Familiarize yourself with the major trends and theoretical foundations of research in management sciences and their origins.
  2. Mastering advanced research methodologies:
    • Gain expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research methods in management sciences.
  3. Developing epistemological understanding:
    • Learn about various epistemological approaches specific to management sciences and understand the scientific process within the social sciences.
  4. Conducting a literature review:
    • Learn how to perform a literature review, construct a research problem, and use AI tools (databases, bibliometric analysis, systematic literature reviews) effectively, while understanding their limitations and risks.
  5. Addressing ethical and environmental challenges:
    • Understand the ethical and environmental implications of management research in today’s world.
  6. Communicating research effectively:
    • Develop the ability to present research in writing and orally in a rigorous, concise, and structured manner.
  7. Navigating the research ecosystem:
    • Gain insights into the research ecosystem, opportunities for doctoral funding, and academic and research career paths.

Program Content

This program equips students with a solid foundation in the theoretical and methodological principles of research in Management Sciences.

Students benefit from:

  • Individualized support to develop written and oral communication skills essential for a research career.
  • Guidance in developing their research project.
  • The flexibility to select two advanced research methodology courses that best align with their research objectives.

Courses Offered

Core Courses:

  1. Theory Building and Epistemological Approaches (36h)
  2. Research Design, Artificial Intelligence for Research, and Systematic Literature Review Approaches (18h)
  3. Research Project Support and Skills Development (36h)
    • Includes 15 hours of small-group coaching.
  4. Quantitative Research Methods (48h)
  5. Qualitative Research Methods (48h)

Elective Courses (Choose Two):

  1. Advanced Quantitative Methods (18h)
  2. Advanced Mixed Methods (18h)
  3. Advanced Qualitative Methods (18h)


Career Opportunities and Further Studies

Most students who complete the DESU Research Program at IAE Aix continue their studies by pursuing a doctoral degree, with the goal of becoming teacher-researchers in the fields of management and management sciences.

This rapidly growing discipline offers numerous job opportunities both in France and abroad, within universities or leading business schools.

Other career paths include:

  • Consulting roles, leveraging their advanced research and analytical skills.
  • Careers in corporate settings or within national and international organizations, where their expertise in management sciences is highly valued.

Admission Requirements


Program Fees

Applicants are expected to meet the following criteria:

  1. Educational Background:
    • Hold or be in the process of obtaining a Master 2 degree or equivalent (e.g., Master’s degree, Engineering School, Business School, foreign degree, or Validation of Prior Learning).
  2. Research Project:
    • Submit a research project (5 to 10 pages).
    • Obtain approval from a faculty member accredited to supervise theses (Habilité à Diriger des Recherches), who may potentially supervise the candidate’s doctoral studies after completing the DESU.
    • The list of thesis supervisors is available on the CERGAM website (see the "Habilité à Diriger des Recherches" column).
  3. English Proficiency:
    • Demonstrate a good command of English, as the entire program is taught in English.
  4. Doctoral Funding Plan:
    • Have a plan for financing potential doctoral studies, either:
      • Full-time, through funding sources such as CIFRE contracts, regional young researcher programs, Eiffel scholarships, or Campus France opportunities.
      • Part-time, through an "on the job" doctoral program while working part-time.
  • Initial Training (Formation Initiale):
    • 534 EUR
  • Continuing Education (Formation Continue):
    • 1,569 EUR

Special Note for Candidates with Foreign Degrees (Outside the EU):

  • A request for a Master's degree equivalency waiver must be submitted no later than June for enrollment in the following September.

    Application Timeline

  • Online applications open in January.