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LACAZE Delphine

LACAZE Delphine Delphine

Pr. des universités
Axe de recherche
Axe Stratégie et Ressources Humaines

Delphine LACAZE has a PhD in Management Science from Aix-Marseille University (2001) and a MBA for the University of Alabama (1995). She is a tenured Professor of Management at Aix-Marseille University Graduate School of Management (IAE Aix) where she served as Dean of Studies for 5 years. She is now the Director of the Master of Science in Human Resources Management and Chief Editor of the review @GRH. 

During her 25 years of experience in higher education, she exercised in French and international universities such as Shanghai University, the University of Colorado in Boulder, the London Business School, IML-Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech. She is Director of Research and supervises doctoral students in the field of Organizational Behavior. She develops research projects for organizations such as the ComProfiles Institute, French DARES and local authorities. She applies the results of her academic research in leadership courses for graduate students as well as for executive seminars for companies such as Geodis, Gemalto, Vinci, Orange.

She is the author of several books such as Organizational Behavior (De Boeck, 2005), and Newcomers’ integration (Dunod, 2010). She has over 80 publications/communications in international academic journals such as Applied Psychology and international academic conferences such as Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines and Academy of Management. 

She is also a certified professional coach and is specialized in Executive Coaching, Career Development Coaching, and Team Cohesion and Effectiveness Coaching.

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